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Engine parts availability

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Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Western Massachusetts
Parts availability, especially for engines is often a reason your plane is grounded.
I have extoled the many benefits of ROTAX engines, especially the 915iS in my son's plane. However there is a ROTAX issue which is unusual and I should warn others about it.
There are qualified specialized ROTAX service shops in the USA so one would not expect problems. However, ROTAX itself will not legally sell or maintain their products in the USA because of the insurance and legal regulations in our country. They won't do business with us. ROTAX service shops must order parts through a middle man in the Bahamas. They are real ROTAX parts: that is not a problem.

Matt's plane is grounded because two small parts are needed. A conical washer in the gear box, and an EGT sensor.

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