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Nov 5, 2015
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So I'm starting my first annual and looking at a lot of things for the first time, like the ELT in my plane. It was mounted to the bracket using 2 Zip ties, and 2 small bungee cords... maybe not the best, maybe not right, but it is what it was...

I was sure the batteries needed to be changes as it was noted on the unit the unit "New Batt 8/11".. and I wanted to move it farther back in the tail cone anyway. I have a forward CG issue. On the side it said replace batteries 2017.

Upon removing it and looking at the batterys, I was slightly concerned... Not sure if the thing even works!.. had not tested it as there was not remote activation panel. At least the switch was in the "Auto" position!.. and there was nothing on 121.1...

Anyone see this type of battery installation before??.. rusty caps on Duracell "D" batteries??.. Acid flux used to solder them??.. not good.

I have not started to look for what this unit should use, and thinking to just replace it with a new unit anyway as I need another mounting bracket to move it towards the tail...

I fly in So Cal to AZ and UT, so never to Canada, or other places that Radar is not tracking me all the time. I also do not have GPS other than a Garmin GDL 39.

Without spending more than 3/4 AMU, what say the experts??..



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