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ELT going off

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Dec 27, 2017
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This weekend I encountered my second ELT signal in my airplane. Of course, both times, I thought it was a me. And the truth is, I don't know if it was. The first time was about 4 months ago. I landed at 2RR and I'll admit, it wasn't my finest landing....it happens. I heard an ELT. I assumed it was me. I found out quickly enough that my remote switch is broken. So, I pulled the cover in the tail and tried every position and the signal wouldn't change (OFF/ARMED/TEST). Eventually, I gave up and went to lunch anyway, as that was my plan. When I got back to the airplane about an hour later, it was quiet. BUT, the airplane next to me was gone. Was it me? I don't know.

Then, this last Saturday, I fire up to go flying and I hear the siren. Me again? No clue. No bumps, nothing. In fact, I wasn't even tuned into 121.5 at this time and still heard it a tiny bit in the headset. It was 37 minutes after the hour, no tests should have been going on then. I took off anyway, still heard it for a while. I switched freqs, worried that I was going to have to troubleshoot again at my destination. When I tuned the freq back in some time later, silence. Was it me? I don't know.

So, twice now, I've been flying aroung listening to an ELT siren, with a guilty conscience. Both times, through no apparent action of my own, it stopped eventually.

Evidence suggests, but does not prove, that both times, the source was not me.

A couple questions:

1. If an ELT goes off, how long should it emit the signal with no interaction? Is it feasible to assume that if I did nothing and my signal stopped within an hour or so that it wasn't my signal?

2. If in a position where your ELT is going off and for whatever reason you cannot make it stop, what is the best "CYA" procedure? Report it? To who? Call flightservice?

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