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Electric Fuel Pump kicking Breaker

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Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
KOBE - Okeechobee, FL
The Electric Fuel Pump is kicking the breaker on the panel on my 1974 Arrow, On start up a few days ago I engaged the Electric Fuel pump to prime the fuel system as is customary and the breaker kicked. Reset the breaker and tried again with the same result. I removed the pump and connected it to a 12 Volt car battery to test it, after a couple light taps to the case with a small hammer it would barely turn so it needs to be replaced/rebuilt. I don't know if the pump mis bad or the electric motor, but I am sure that they should both be serviced. Has anyone had any experience with this? The Pump is made by Weldon and has a Piper Part # 481-780.




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