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All plugs are new fine wire plugs and resistance checks OK. New baffles, bottom plates checked a few times and verified correct, no leaks.

Yeah with gap seals and 160 HP upgrade I can get climb around 1100 fpm but I keep the nose down to maintain 500-600fpm climb and I think I am about 90 KIAS. Might repitch prop from 58 to 60 sometime later as with the 160HP I have to pull power back after initial climb not to exceed the redline as it can go about 2750 in cruise at the moment.

I noticed spike on single mag run in runup and that's what brought me to this thread. I will get the lead and mag checked soon.

Between 13:30-40 I believe I was leaned the mixture to check the temps. Since the top overhaul I have been running full rich.
