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EDM 930 AMP Gauge

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Dec 4, 2018
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Anyone know if it is possible to show a 100 AMP scale instead of a 50 AMP on the 930? This was what was installed in the aircraft and is in the POH. Additionally, has anyone had issues with the stock 100 AMP Piper Shunts and JPI Engine Analyzers? My new 930 is reading much higher than the old analogue gauge and the avionics shop stated that all the JPI AMP gauges don't work correctly. I added all the max AMP requirements for the installed equipment and get 20 AMPS. The IM allows for a -10 to +10 adjustment and even with the -10, I still show low 40's. There is also a 100/200 Amp Shunt selection, and either one does not change the readings. The Fuel pump adds 10, strobes add 10 and the gear pump shows 75 (used to go to mid 40's?). It seems to be reading almost 50% higher than actual. Would a JPI Shunt work? Any thoughts??
JPI Tech support is closed for the duration of the virus.

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