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Detecting oil leak

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Jan 30, 2018
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
Have a question for you savy Piper bunch. I recently returned from a long cross country from Virginia to Central Florida and found I had oil under the cowling and whats looks like generaly light sprayed on oil filter and other parts of the engine. Were not talking a gusher of a leak, but something new I detected. My annual is coming up in August and I wand to drill down on where the leak is coming from as I have another log flight planned to Cincinnati from Central florida planned in two weeks. My thought was to totaly degrease and clean engine and engine bay to start with a blank slate to attempt to track down where the leak is coming from. Does this sound like a good idea? is there something else I need to be doing? The engine is using a quart of oil every 5 hrs on a high time (1800+) Lycoming )-320 E3D.

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