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Cowling anti-chafe tape

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Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
On my '73 Cherokee140, there's a strip of what I'm going to call 'anti-chafe tape', or something like it, under the cowling lap joints, at/under the hinged engine cover lap joints and even the permanently fixed joints where the main fiberglass cowling fastens to the fuselage and where the front bowl fastens to the main cowling. I'm thinking it's something like this (https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/cspages/cowlingchafeseal.php), but hard to tell because it looks like it's been on the plane since about 1973, and also it's half missing and crusty. More of it fell off when pulling cowling off during my recent annual.
I'm thinking these strips are in place to prevent chafing/vibration between cowling & engine cover, and cowling & fuselage, a bit of an isolator I guess. Any advice or comments on this Spruce anti-chafe cloth, if it's the right product for the job, or is there a better product with a peel and stick backing, or is it even necessary? Thoughts against me peeling/scraping the remainder of the tired old tape off and reinstalling cowling without?

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