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Considering buying into a Lance

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2021
Reaction score

I have been lurking here for a couple of months after getting bit by ownership-itis. I like low wings, trained on Archers, and currently fly a really nice Archer II and a DA40 in a club (and I have a couple of hours in a 182R).

But I need more space for pax and useful load (more speed would be nice too!). A PA-32 is an obvious choice.

I am exploring an opportunity to buy into a straight tail Lance that has been with the current owner for over 15 years. Paint is great, interior is really nice, and avionics will get me to where I need to go. And I think it goes without saying that straight tail Lance is not a turbo (weren't turbos introduced in the '78-79 T tail Lance?).

I have read everything about how awesome these airplanes are, and they really would be a perfect fit for my family and flights. But what should I expect in terms of how they fly? I know enough NOT to expect them to fly like big Archers. They need to be flown like a high performance complex airplane.

Can someone with a decent amount of time in both the Archer and Lance tell me what to expect in terms of flying one? How do they land? Are they fun and responsive to hand fly? What useful loads are typical? How do they climb, particularly with a load and above 7,000'? How do they handle moderate turbulence or even summer day thermals? Is there anything you would have wanted to know before making your transition? Are there any nasty flight characteristics that I should know about (stall, etc.)?

My wife saw the Lance, sat in it, met the owner and his wife, and walked away thinking "maybe, let's look at the numbers." But today, while packing the four of us into the Archer for a 130NM trip, she stood on the wing, looked into the backseat with the front folded forward, and said "you have got to be kidding me!" I guess there really is something to be said for not to know what you are missing, because I have been flying my family in that Archer for several years. LOL (And admittedly the kids have grown up....)

I do expect that I will get a ride before committing to the purchase, but would like more information before getting to the point. And I know a CFII who just bought a Malibu and did the owners BFR in the Lance, so I have an instructor lined up for the transition.

If there is any wisdom you can impart on someone contemplating buying into a Lance, I am all ears. And I do realize that insurance for the first year or three will be painful, but have decided that I would cut a check every six months and not worry about it or include it in monthly expenses.



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