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Confused about GPS

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Jul 4, 2016
Reaction score
So this might sound like a dumb question, but I see many airplanes with multiple GPS units in them. I understand the redundancy of say 2 430s as your primary and secondary Nav/COM, but many are a primary GPS and say a 396 portable. Is that still primarily for redundancy? I have a friend that says he drives his auto pilot with his 496 instead of his GNS 430, because the inputs are easier and faster. Also I see a lot of GPSs out there for sale like the Garmin 150. Other than operating as a VFR GPS do they really have any other value? You can’t shoot an RNAV approach with them and with Apps like Foreflight do they have any uses I am missing. I am starting my instrument ticket with basic IFR equipment in my Cherokee and trying to decide do I really need to spend 10 to 15k to equip with a GPS or do I have cheaper options. My home base airport no longer has any instrument approaches other than RNAV and I don’t want to get my IFR ticket and not even be able to return to my home airport. Thanks.

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