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Closing an open RNAV STAR

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
Is there any special trick for closing an open RNAV STAR on a modern IFR GPS? I know the interface will be a bit different for each device (I'm using a GTN 650), but I might still get clues. There's nothing in the GTN manual, and nothing in the online training videos.

So far, all I've managed to do in the sim is wait until I'm passing the DTW (downwind termination waypoint) at the end of the STAR, then hit direct to the FACF at the start of the loaded approach to have the GPS calculate the turn. That works, but I was curious whether there's a way to programme it in advance, if I'm ever asked to close a STAR before I hit the DTW.

(Note: I know it's very rare that a small, slow plane would be asked to close an open STAR itself and block the final approach for 5–10 minutes, but RNAV procedures are new to me, and I'd still like to know all the functions of my GPS).


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