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Considering going to Oshkosh? The best way for a Cherokee pilot (PA28, PA32, & PA 24 because we like them too) to go, is to fly the mass arrival with Cherokees to Oshkosh (CtO). Not only does ATC clear the airspace for the CtO mass arrival, but you have a community of Cherokee pilots to camp and socialize with as long as you stay.

This year CtO is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Cherokee (one year late) with 60 Cherokees in formation.

The early bird registration has been extended until April 30 due to the early uncertainty attributable to the Covid pandemic. Save $25/person by registering now. But hurry, there are only 15 spots left.

One caveat, to participate you need to attend at least one Cherokees to Oshkosh mini-clinic (they are so much fun, that some people attend several). There is no charge for the clinic. There are 7 clinics remaining between now and the end of June.

April 9-11 KOSA, Mt. Pleasant, TX

April 23-25 KSCK, Stockton, CA

April 30 – May 2, KTZR, Columbus, OH

May 14-16 KJEF, Jefferson City, MO

May 21-23 KXNX, Gallatin, TN

June 4-6 KFKA, Preston, MN

June 25-27 KGDW, Gladwin, MI

Ground school videos are available on the Cherokees to Oshkosh website.

For details and to register go to Home - Cherokee2Osh.com.
