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Ok, we have the problem solved!

So it turns out I had two issues, and ignition problem and a mixture issue that produced the same symptoms. (Which is why the whole thing did not make sense.) Oh and I did locate the airframe ground and it was a really heavy wire that went from a bolt at the bottom of the engine a bolt inside the fuselage, and was good.

So ignition problem was as the Mag rebuilders identified the small plate inside the Mag that makes contact with the P-Lead, which is why I had no drop during the Mag check before I sent the Mag off to be tested. So this was resolved when I had the mag reinstalled and a Mag check succeeded.

Which finally led us to find the second problem, which turns out was that at full rich the mixture adjustment on the carb was set too rich and the engine was still firing as it was hot and there was excess fuel in the cylinders. My A&P called this "dieseling". (Which ironically produced the same symptoms as a Hot Mag.)

So we ended up leaning the mixture adjustment on the carb, and once completed lo and behold the engine shutdown just using the Mags.

We have been tearing our hair out with this issue for weeks and tried every possible combination of MAG ground, ignition switch wiring etc.. I guess the good thing is I am now 100% sure all of my ignition wiring is 100% and tested. But never expected it to be 2 issues with the same symptoms. Hope this helps someone out there.
