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Cabin oil smell , crankcase vent tube holes?

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Jun 12, 2013
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I was flying with my son Sunday in our P28-151, he complained of a oil smell on the copilot side, after we landed I opened the cowl on his side , the crankcase vent tube was lightly smoking up high on the firewall where it turns down to go vertical to exit the cowling on the bottom of the firewall. the tube is aluminium , but is covered with a resistoflex 1077 covering. I removed the tube thinking there might be a hole, there are two holes ,one about 3" from the bottom and one toward the top where it bends from horizontal to vertical. Both the holes look to be drilled and belong there , the tube was not plugged, is everything alright ???? What is the resistoflex covering for, it does not appear in the parts catalog ??

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