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I sat in a pre 1973 180 today and checked out the rear seats.  I think it would be fine for my kids and for one tall adult if a short one is sitting in front.  So I am widening my search to include all Cherokee 180s from 1963 to 1979.  I definitely prefer the standard six pack instrument layout. Have rearranged priority list:

1) Mid or low time engine with complete logs and good compressions. No top only overhauls, and flown at least 50 hr/year

2) No corrosion, no damage history, clean title

3) GPS like Garmin 430W

4) IFR certified with modern radios, or reliable radios that work..and a decent transponder (not sure about radio makes, models and transponders yet - just starting research)

5) Decent interior (panel not cracked and seats in good condition)

6) Decent paint

7) Autopilot

8) Engine monitoring tool (I can put a JPI instrument in later for this too)

9) Wheel pants/speed mods
