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Building your own Piper???

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Daniel Torres
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
I was looking at stuff on Arizona Salvage's site when I all of a sudden thought of a curious question that likely has no real world usefulness, but I thought it was an interesting thing to ponder.

We all know that getting a plane with a Standard Airworthiness certificate in the experimental category is virtually impossible (Yeah, we know all the exceptions), but what is someone where to purchase all spare parts from a salvage yard and completely rebuild a certified aircraft model? Could this qualify as amateur built experimental? The idea cam to me when I was looking as a very good condition Warrior fuselage on Arizona's site (don't ask why, I just get bored when I'm at work). I wondered, If I started with a practically bare fuselage, added wings, control surfaces, cables, all new electrical, engine, etc..., does this now qualify as more than 50% built by me and therefore amateur experimental? If so, think of the possibilities! Much faster to rebuild a plane that has plenty of info and spare parts availability, but you can use non-tso'd avionics, perhaps do whatever engine upgrade you desire, etc.

Like I said, this is purely an academic discussion, but wouldn't it be cool?

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