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Brand New Avidyne IFD-440 Touchscreen Malfunctioning

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Cherokee owner since 1983
Feb 14, 2013
Reaction score
Central Pennsylvania
I replaced my bullet proof aging Garmin 430W about a month ago with an IFD440.

The new IFD440 has less than 5 hours on it, lives in an insulated hangar.

I parked it on the ramp this afternoon after a short flight where all was fine and functional. After about 2 hours in cool dry temperatures, fired up and using the touch screen to change frequencies, it would only select the digit 3 on most screen touches. I could not get it to select the number 2. (Using my ungloved dry index finger.) I used the knobs and it worked. I tried entering a waypoint on the screen and the 440 would type untouched numbers and letters. I could not get it to take a route and had to use the iPad to type in the route.

After I got the cabin up to a nice 70ish degree temperature, I rebooted the 440 and the problem persisted. I deselected the touchscreen in the aux menu, and reselected it, to no avail.

Any thoughts?

(Prior to posting this, I sent an email to the installer, Smart Avionics, and of course submitted a ticket to Avidyne. I would have called Avidyne, but being News Years Eve, the phone call won't be an option till the 2nd.)
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