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Brake problem - still need help

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
In a previous thread ("Brakes don't work") I said that our Arrow brakes were completely out. I received several helpful replies, and we ended up replacing one old cylinder and rebuilding the other two with new O rings etc. Now the brakes are LOCKED! The toe brakes are depressed and the hand brake won't come back at all.

Our very experienced mechanic is stumped. As soon as he disconnected the hydraulic line from the hand lever the brakes released. He removed the handbrake cylinder and reviewed everything he did and found nothing wrong.

We had been thinking that the problem is in the hand brake, since the lever won't come back at all. But after reviewing Domenick's post from the earlier thread I think maybe it's elsewhere.

Hope somebody can make a suggestion.

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