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Bose Aviation X headset dual plug

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Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
My last set of Bose X. Over the last three years I have been upgrading my Bose headsets and this is the last (and newest) one.

These were purchased in April 2008 and were near the end of the X series production. They are lightly used and have only been a spare set for rear passengers for the last many years.

Just recently had the yokes replaced due to a small crack. I have the originals and will send them along. You can easily repair the one and have spares. I will also include a brand new Bose Original refurb kit so you can replace the ear pieces, headband, and mike screen. The ones on there are not that old, so again, keep them for spares if you’d like. Includes an original Bose case too.

Selling all day for over $500 on eBay without any of the extras Plus shipping.

These are real nice and work great! First $550 includes the express shipping in the US.






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