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Book: “Chasing the Squirrel: pursuit of the notorious drug smuggler Wally Thrasher”

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Panther Navajo
Supporting Member
Dec 31, 2022
Reaction score
Upstate SC - KGMU
Thanks to a recommendation on another forum, I recently read Chasing the Squirrel, a fascinating book about drug smuggler Wally Thrasher. I grew up in Martin County, FL and was especially intrigued by the stories involving Stuart, Ft Pierce, the Brady Ranch in Indiantown, car chases between Hobe Sound and Jupiter, etc. All this was happening while I was mostly oblivious, attending middle school and high school in Hobe Sound in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

(I started my flight training at KSUA in 1983 when the FBO was a small wooden yellow building and the hangers were quonset huts presumably left over from the WWII era.)

I’d imagine that there are some folks on this forum who were around then and could share some great stories about the world of drug smuggling in S Florida...

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