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Best option for seating fabric

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2014
Reaction score
I'm finally going to pull the trigger and redo the seats I my Cherokee 180C. Looks like I'll be going with Airtex. Seems to be lots of happy customers with them.

Thus the next question is: what fabric to choose from:

Lots of people like leather. Wears will, and easy to clean. I won't argue that. But I have never liked the feel of leather in vehicles. Too hot summer / too cold winter. For the extra upcharge, not sure it's worth it. If I went weather, I'd be tempted to go with a seating-surface sheepskin cover. If I do that - why am I paying for leather?

Thus fabric. I have the sample kit from Airtex. They have some nice premium fabric options. For the $$$ and the feel, seems to be the number one choice. Have the potential for staining, but good fabric should last a long time.

Vinyl (or leatherette, naugahyde, etc). Lord, my first several cars had vinyl seats, some black. Was so glad to get a car with cloth seats. Good vinyl wears well (does airtex have good stuff). Looks pretty leather-like. Lot's of people like vinyl. And as above, I could always go with the seating surface sheepskins (Which I did in my last new car I bought with vinyl seats....).

Opinions are welcome. Thanks much.

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