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Bendix Color Radar interference?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
Curious if anyone has seen this behavior in Bendix radars. I've spoken to a mechanic who thought it may be the radar mask, but I wanted to get some other ideas too.

I have a "band" that shows up on my radar display from left to right between 4 and 10NM thick. It completely covers the left to right of the radar display at these distances and looks like medium intensity precipitation.

This doesn't show up until the radar starts to return data, so I know it's not a pure indication problem.

Also in a right bank, my radar will paint ground on the left side of the radar. Vice versa for a left bank. (left banks paint ground on the right side of the radar)

FWIW, the radar works perfect otherwise. It paints precip at a distance even with the local interference. It also does not do this on the ground, only in the air.

The tilt doesn't seem to make a difference.

I'll post a picture here in a bit and see if I can show what's going on.

Edit: Indicator is an IN-2026A and Antenna is an ART-161A

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