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Baggage Door Hinge

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Daniel Torres
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
I want to replace my baggage door with one I bought on eBay in order to have a door with the newer style latch. The problem is that when I tried to put this door on, it did not line up. I figure the easiest way to correct this would be to drill out the rivets holding the hinge on the door and replace it with a new hinge that I can line up and drill holes in the appropriate place.

I see that spruce sells hinges (http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/mepages/pianohinge.php), but I am not sure which one to get. Aside from going back out to measure, I also wanted recommendation from anyone who may have experience with this. For example, should I get aluminum or stainless steel? Should I get the extruded style or the AN257 style? Thanks for any advice anyone can give.

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