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Awesome experience at KIWS (West Houston)

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Jan 27, 2024
Reaction score
New Orleans
I had never been into Houston in. GA aircraft, much less SOLO but I needed to go to take care of some paperwork wife my wife's family who lives near.

I was flying VFR with flight following from Slidell (KASD). Climed out to 6500 and ran west direct all the way to just west of Beaumont. ATC called and asked if I was familiar with IdentIten.....yep, I asked to make sure, did you say IDENT or I10. He said I10, lol. I told him I was and he had me intercept I10 and follow it at 2000' all the way to KIWS.

After parking the line crew chocked me and I told them I would be back in an hour or so and I would like a full full of 100LL. When I cam back they told me I had 22.5 gallons and I was paying the bill. Before she swiped my card she asked if I would like to spin the wheel to see what I won. I said sure so I did. Believe it or not it landed on "20 gallons of free fuel"!! I was so happy, a trip to Houston from Slidell cost me 2.5 gallons, a whole $16 and some change.

I was really impressed with their FBO anyway. Very clean, fully staffed, plenty of snacks in the pilot's lounge. Obviously they are trying to have a nice thing over there. I know I will be back.

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