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Avionics question: GI 106A vs KI 209A? Linked to Garmin GPS 175 and KX 155 Nav/Com

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Dec 22, 2021
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Hoping an avionics pro or someone with first hand experience can point me in the right direction.
I'm getting ready to undergo a minor avionics upgrade to my panel and am mostly responsible for assembling the components.

1. Old KLN 89b with Garmin GPS 175
2. Plug in external box type intercom with PSE 8000G audio panel
3. Inop CDI with either KI209A or GI106A indicator
4. Com1 (MX300) becomes com2
5. Install KX155 for com1

Q: a) Which indicator should I go with? I'm leaning towards the GI106A as I've read the needles move in right angles vs swing style and it has a built in "annunciator" which displays when receiving the GPS. However, I already have the KI209A on hand (came with kx155), so there's that.

b) Would anyone have the part number for the annunciator switch I would need to flip between GPS and Nav (kx155)? I have a 14v system. I've also been told I need a relay, but not sure which one or part #?

Thanks in advance!


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