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Autopilot options

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Jan 24, 2021
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'67 PA32-300 and wanting to rip out the the steam. Was hoping Dynon would maybe hopefully possibly get things approved. But alas they moved the "1st quarter 2021" date for the Mooney back to "late 2021-2022" and dropped a lot of hopeful models. Blaming the FAA tightening down on things after the lashing they got from the 737 max fiasco. So that doesn't instill a lot of confidence in getting the PA32 approved in the next half decade. Despite them getting the Seneca approval which is really just a twin pa32 right? Heck, the Seneca prototype was a Six with wing mounted engines... didn't even take off the one on the nose.

The original Piper Autocontrol works...kinda. It tends to "search" for the heading. Continually passing it up. So we just hand fly and don't even bother engaging it.

So what are the options out there? I know flying monkey is going to say tru trak... Which would be great if they didn't sell out to Bendix King. Have not heard much good things since that sale. Garmin, I just have a hard time going with. I've never been happy with customer service for their other products and I don't like the fact my A/P gets told to take the plane to a dealer and hung up on. So should I continue to handfly and wait for Dynon? Another option I don't know about? Or bite the bullet and go with aerocruze or the GFC500

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