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Autocontrol IIIb - great shop in Florida?

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Mar 5, 2017
Reaction score
My Autocontrol IIIb autopilot has become increasingly more erratic over the past few months. The problem started as momentary sharp right or left turns followed by proper course tracking after a few seconds. This happened once or twice over a 7 hour cross-country VFR flight a couple of months ago, so the autopilot was largely usable over that period of time back then.

Now, it will track a course or heading for only for a short period of time (seconds to minutes), and then it will initiate a sharp turn either to the right or left (mostly to the right, but that may or may not be coincidental and/or relevant). If I do not turn off the autopilot, I get the feeling that it would let the plane bank completely 180 degrees to my doom!

Does anyone know of a great avionics shop in Florida, preferably south Florida, that knows this specific autopilot well? I would rather travel a little (or a lot) far to get the problem properly diagnosed and fixed than have someone local misdiagnose or fix things that really don’t need fixing.


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