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Aural traffic alerts, portable non-tablet solution?

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Mar 5, 2017
Reaction score
I would like to have audible traffic alerts. I am thinking about how to go about updating my mostly outdated avionics starting with my radio stack which has the following: KMA-20, KLN-94, KX-155, MAC 1700, and Stratus ESG ADSB-out. Stratux (1090 / 978 ADSB-in) by the co-pilot's right leg and iPad mounted on pilot yoke.

Thinking that I will want to upgrade the GPS and would want to have traffic and weather displayed on the new navigator (leaning towards IFD 440), I have thought to pull my Stratus ESG and replace it with an ADSB in/out unit. On the other hand, I do have the Stratus Interface Kit which allows me to connect a Stratus 3 to the plane's antennas and get ADSB-in that way. However, the downfall of this route is that, according to Stratus, I will never be able to feed the ADSB-in information into a certified device like a modern GPS navigator or an Aspen/Garmin PFD. So, as I have weighed the pros/cons of my options, I have refined what it is that I really want. What I really want is for traffic and weather to be displayed on a device somewhere on the panel (ideally not on a tablet that I have to remember to bring from home) that also has the ability to provide aural traffic alerts into my headset.

So, to this end, is there a portable non-certified device that can be mounted on the panel and connected to the ship audio somehow (through direct connection or bluetooth) or some other way that achieves what I want? I looked into the Garmin Aeras which seem to display weather but not traffic. Before, nailing the coffin on the portable non-certified route, I just wanted to ask the group to make sure I am not going to proceed making decisions based on incorrect premises.

Thank you all in advance.

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