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Aspen VFR with full vacuum removal

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Junior Member
Mar 20, 2016
Reaction score
I just figured i'd start a post in case someone in the future is interested in doing the same thing i'm up to right now, there hasn't been a lot of information readily available for me.

So I'm adding the Aspen EFD 1000 VFR version, replacing my turn indicator with an RCA 2600-3 and completely ditching the vacuum system.

The reason this came about is that my Attitude Indicator is a little wonky and instead of rebuilding that old tech I decided to move into the future. Aspen has an incredible sale right now, an additional $1000 off the "VFR" version of the efd 1000, which puts it at a street price of $3500 or so. I had thought about the garmin g5 box's but they are actually more money and aren't even close to the aspen, plus you can upgrade the aspen to the pro version in the future with software.

Again my AI was wonky so instead of using it for the backup which is required for the Aspen install i decided to add the RC Allen 2600-3 TSO full digital Attitude indicator with the slip ball add on. I was actually able to source this brand new on Ebay for $1800, a good deal i thought.

So my total is only $5300 plus install, and i can possibly sell my existing AI, DG, vacuum system and turn coordinator to recoup a few bucks. The install should be pretty easy, so i'm not expecting to much of a shop bill. For now we'll just use the existing panel, since both instruments just fit the existing holes.

I'm going the simplest way possible on the Aspen install. My gps and nav are old and i don't think they are worth integrating into the aspen right now, my plan is to eventually upgrade to something like the gtn650 which is digital and doesn't require the adapter for the aspen. In doing so I'll just leave my OBS's installed and stick with my current setup for now.

I'll keep this updated so everyone can get an idea of the cost involved and time. Overall I think it's an easy and great upgrade that won't completely empty the bank account. By the way my airplane is a 1978 Piper Archer 2.

Here is a photo of what we are shooting for attached.


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