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Aspen E5 Trio AP P28R

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Nov 15, 2019
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
After a 4 month wait, with the plane in the shop all that time, I got it back with the panel upgrade just a few days ago. The test flights went well and I have mostly gotten over the learning curve. It still may need a little tuning, but it’s pretty good right now. I just did a 200+ nm in moderate turbulence and it flew the plane just fine. Definitely reduces work load.

  • I can drive it from the EFIS (Aspen) or the GPS
  • The horizontal and vertical can be used independently.
  • It has a level button
  • It can perform a level 180 left or right
  • It can climb on airspeed (need to learn to activate that)
  • Only uses GPS navigation.
  • Can only fly coupled approaches to 500 AGL (still better than the 800 AGL for the AeroCruise)
  • Does not have auto trim.
  • Have to pay for a $500 unlock to get True AS, OAT, wind speed and direction on the E5 ( dumb IMNSHO)
I flew down to XNX from MGY with it and then over to CSV and back to MGY this weekend. 7.5 hours this weekend with 4+ hours using the AP. My track and elevation tracks look pretty good.

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