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Archer fuel management w/solution

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Jan 27, 2024
Reaction score
New Orleans
First off, I am well aware of the POH saying burn one hour of fuel on one rank, switch tanks, burn two hours, switch tanks, and then burn one hour for a total of four hours. The problem comes in that I am hardly ever in the air for four hours and trying to keep up with how long has it been on left tank, right tank, etc. Ever since the beginning training in a warrior the procedure was 30 minutes and switch. Easier to keep up with for short hauls and keeping balanced as much as possible. The problem was always after burning an hour on one day, then an hour a couple days later trying to keep up with where I am in the routine. I came up with a dash mounted solution. When tanks are full all beads are to the center. After a 30 minute fuel burn on the left side a single bead on the left gets slid outward signifying 30 minutes worth of fuel "are out". Repeat for right and then left. I can exit the aircraft and come back days later and pick right back up on the routine. Obviously verifying actual tank quantity also and not relying on this visual indicator. Wife says don't share, patent, and sell them for $20. I thought I would share because this has helped me tremendously with keeping up with where I am regarding fuel management and the bright colors on the dash remind me often to check the timer.


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