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Apollo GX50 Reset and Signal Loss Issue

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Mar 21, 2014
Reaction score
We have an old Apollo GX50 installed on our Navajo and it's been giving us some funky issues. Occasionally the unit would lose it's satellite reception at seemingly random intervals. Also, the unit will "reset" itself sporadically every hour or so; it will turn off and then on quickly, and the flight plan will stay intact. Replacing the GPS antenna has seemed to fix the signal loss, but we're chasing after this "reset" issue and wondering if the two issues are related or not.

The GPS connection to the aircraft has been check thoroughly and nothing definitive has been found: the coax cable is fine and relatively new, the power pin is secure and connected, the circuit breakers don't show excessive resistance and are relatively new, and the unit seems to be docking properly. This GPS has been swapped and both issues have happened no matter what GPS is installed, so the actual GPS does not seem to be the issue. We have a KX 196A installed right next to it, and a KWX 56 radar installed directly below the GPS. Also we have a KNS 80 installed near the GPS. Has anyone had any similar issues? We're looking at the possibility of an interference issue, but would that cause the GPS to reset? Thanks for any help!

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