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Wannabe Aztec driver
Sep 27, 2015
Reaction score
Good evening,

This is my first post on the forum! I've been reading it for quite a while & I finally took the plunge yesterday by purchasing a 1973 turbo aztec E.

As many aircraft out there for sale, this one didn't flew much in the past few years - a couple of hours only - so I know that there will be teething issues.

After a good annual and a new cylinder (ECi AD ..), I flew it for about 7 hours from Colorado to California. Things went pretty much ok except for the right cowl flaps control that somehow became disconnected. The cable might have broken somewhere; a mechanic will take a look at it soon.

Other than that, I ran into an AP issue this morning: I did a ground check of the AP per the POH, overpowering the AP first, then disconnecting it using the yoke switch. After doing so, I wasn't able to re-engage the AP: when I hit the "engage" button, the button's light comes up but disappears as soon as I release the button. I pulled/push the CB just in case, it didn't helped.

Did anybody here ever experienced something similar? The AP is an Altimatic V. My guess at that point is that the yoke switch might be stuck in the "disconnect position" as it probably hadn't been exercised for years, but I don't really know if I can take some pliers & remove the switch to test that guess as I'm not a mechanic. If anybody has ideas/recommendations, the newbie owner that I'm will be very happy to hear them :)



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