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Anyone Recognize this Yoke Attachment?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
The Dakota I recently bought has this awesome yoke attachment with a clipboard that can easily be slid on and off. It's much studier than ram yoke mount and it's the perfect angle. I've searched the web and haven't seen anything like it so I'm posting pictures in the hopes someone may know where I could find it. The closest thing I've found is something for Gulfstreams and for 737s that seems to work the same way but they seem to come that way from the factory so not something you can buy. I'd like to modify an Ipad case with the sliding piece of this system so I could easily switch from clipboard to ipad.

Here are some pictures...

2015-02-15 12.11.45.jpg

2015-02-15 10.02.29.jpg

2015-02-15 10.01.15.jpg

2015-02-15 10.00.47.jpg

2015-02-13 09.08.04.jpg

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