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Any clarity aloft headset users out their?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Curious about experiences with clarity aloft headsets?

Quick background

Purchased a dc pro x, works quite well for supra aural design (on ear), works very well for my Aztec however after a muffler change on our work 172, the aircraft is a fair bit louder so I am looking for something with more hearing protection than the dc pro x

My only complaint about the pro x is the cable gland strain reliefs deteriorated at an alarming rate, it was purchased last November and is used 7 days on 7 days off work cycle plus the odd personal flights outside of work

It has been sent back to dc last week for repair

Then the saga begins
Purchased a dc one x, basically the same set as pro x except over the ear like any other general aviation headset, 7 days of work and the cable gland tore so it was returned to aircraft spruce

Replaced with a bose a20, wasn't impressed frankly the noise cancelation of the one x was about the same as the a20 and the one x was way way more comfortable, I was sore after the first 8hr shift so returned that to spruce for a Zulu pfx

The noise cancelation on the pfx is far far superior to the a20 and the one x although it takes around 15min for it to fully kick in, it was very comfortable, only issue is in the 172 it would filter out so much background noise that a pronounced very low frequency fairly loud rumble would start to emerge after the streaming quiet kicked in. In doing some experimentation it was evident that the noise is linked to aircraft speed, i believe it to be the wind noise and airframe buffeting of the top surface of the wing. After a few hours it gets quite distracting and annoying to be honest. It seemed fine in my Aztec however.
So once again I've returned it to spruce

Looking for something else,
Another problem is my next headset should be tso'd as its possible my next job will require that, and that filters out a bunch of sets.

I have a first generation Zulu that has served me very well with no cord, cable gland, fitment or comfort issues it was purchased almost immediately when it was released so I suspect it's 10+ years old

Only very recently the cord is starting to go hence why I originally purchased the dc pro x

Both dc pro x and one x are tso'd also I'd like to add that on the comfort note out of any of the high end sets the one x takes the cake for over the ear design

None of the Zulu products are tso'd

Looking into the clarity aloft, any others

Has to be comfortable for long duration and tso'd, was also thinking uFlyMike or telex digital 50
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