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Another CHT gage thread....

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Nov 5, 2015
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So flying back to Utah last weekend, and having read the last thread on CHT and why a gage would read low, I now am interested in digging a little deeper into it. Last weekend flying up to Utah the CHT was reading 190 in cruse, and about 300 max in climb. I replaced the Thermocouple when I got the airplane as it was not reading, the coupler was broken off under the spark plug. Use a Type J TC from Aircraft Spruce, P/N 10-03530.

So if the gage is reading accurately, the cruse temp is too low... but if it is not accurate, and that cylinder is really 270 to 300 in cruise, then the climb temp is WAY to hot!... Was looking at changing from the 18mm spark plug TC to a bayonet mount type for at least the current cylinder, and perhaps add them to all 4 cylinders, using a selector switch to read all 4.

Yes, going to a JPI-830 would be great, just not in the payment plan right now. So what probes are best, and would be assured to work with the current unknown CHT gage?. Would rather not change the gage right now but getting the right probe for that gage is needed. With the plan to go to the JPI-830 someday, would there probe work with the corrent gage??.. that way, I can install the probes now, and have them ready when I install the actual monitor.

This probe: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/pages/in/probesandsenders_cht/bayonetkit.php

Will this work with my current gage??..

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