Shortly after beginning cross-country flights with my grizzled old CFI during my ab-initio training, I noticed that my heading kept drifting off to the left. I was trying to correct it with ever increasing right rudder input. After a while, my instructor said "Don't keep pressing on the rudder pedals...kick it." On the ground he told me he was simulating the effect of a stuck rudder for my training, with his heavy left foot. I still remember the lesson. One needs control of the rudder to handle cross-wind landings.
Shortly after beginning cross-country flights with my grizzled old CFI during my ab-initio training, I noticed that my heading kept drifting off to the left. I was trying to correct it with ever increasing right rudder input. After a while, my instructor said "Don't keep pressing on the rudder pedals...kick it." On the ground he told me he was simulating the effect of a stuck rudder for my training, with his heavy left foot. I still remember the lesson. One needs control of the rudder to handle cross-wind landings.