My alternator doesn't put out a steady voltage or amperage. It oscillates between 14-15 volt. And I assume because of the varying voltage, the amperage varies, and along with it the brightness of my panel lighting. If I increase current draw by turning on my lights, the frequency increases.
I took a video of it. See how when I turn on the lights the frequency increases?
When the intercom is open, I get a warbling sound through my headset, the frequency of which correlates with the needle on my amp meter.
What do you think is wrong? It's been like this for about over 200 hours, I just realized now after a passenger pointed it out to me. He said the warbling sounds like an ELT signal.
I took a video of it. See how when I turn on the lights the frequency increases?
When the intercom is open, I get a warbling sound through my headset, the frequency of which correlates with the needle on my amp meter.
What do you think is wrong? It's been like this for about over 200 hours, I just realized now after a passenger pointed it out to me. He said the warbling sounds like an ELT signal.