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Alaska Aircraft Crash Investigators on TV

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Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Vestal, NY
There is a new series on Smithsonian Channel TV called”Alaska Aircraft Crash Investigations “This show is advertised as a “documentary”. But, I am interested to know if it is factual.

The current episode is about the investigation of a turbo prop Beaver on floats that crashed very shortly after takeoff. Takeoff was during the hours of darkness and the aircraft was 500 lbs over gross. Investigators found damage to the left float. This damage was attributed to premature liftoff during the takeoff run. The aircraft then contacted the water and continued the takeoff run. Aircraft became airborne and crashed into the woods near the shore line. Crash sequence was near vertical.

So now for the question. The investigators pointed out the aircraft was equipped with an “ADS-B BOX”. The video shows a Garmin 530 or similar unit. They sent the “ADS-B BOX” to Washington for analysis. The data that came back showed a plot of the takeoff run. A little deviation in the takeoff track that the investigator attributed to the early lift off and the impact with the water. The trace shows the aircraft airborne and turning towards the North, an area with no ground reference lighting, then the crash. Total flight time was just about 60 seconds. I do not recall if they talked about altitude data.

Where did all of this data come from? Where this data is stored on our aircraft or is this transmitted data? Is this fact or reality TV script?
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