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Air/Oil Separator Function Question

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user 20673

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
I am not looking to debate whether one should install an air/oil separator or not. I have made that decision, at least for now. There are two ways to install my separator according to the installation instructions. One is by directly connection up to the breather on the vacuum pump and the other is drilling a 5/8 hole with a fitting in the rear engine baffle to provide warm air into the separator. Since I do not have a vacuum pump, the only option I have is thought the baffle.

If you look at the attached pictures for reference (one picture is from a Cirrus) you can see the breather line hole through the rear of the baffle. Here is my issue, the ram air that goes through a Y-fitting where one end of the fitting is connected directly to the separator and the other goes directly to the sump of the crank case. If you happen to fly in dusty areas, it seems logical to me that dirty ram air could go right into the sump. Has anyone thought about this or am I over thinking it? What about putting an inline 1/4 air filter to ensure no particles get into the sump?

Thanks for the help


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