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I have a ‘72 -180G, s/n 28-7205259, and I’m trying to find the part number(s) for the fore and aft grommets that the carb heat butterfly valve shaft rides in. The grommets in my airplane’s air box are serviceable, but my IA said the aft grommet is starting to show signs of wear. I prefer to get ahead of things before they become an issue, so I started to research parts. And that’s when the fight started. :)

My parts manual only references the air box as a complete assembly for -180 aircraft in my serial number range; it doesn’t appear to offer information or part numbers for the grommets, shaft, or any other subcomponent in the air box.

I took measurements for the front grommet (the one closest to the prop side of the carb) and they seem to match those of an AN931-5-9. Due to control cable interference (and the fact that I didn’t want to render my airplane unairworthy by disassembling anything because my mechanic was unavailable at the time), I was unable to get “clean” measurements for the rear grommet, but it appeared to be very close to an AN931-5-12.

My thinking is that Piper probably would have used readily-available, standard AN931 grommets, but perhaps I may be giving them too much credit. :)

So, here I am... wondering:

1 - Do any of you folks happen to know what the proper part numbers for these particular grommets are?

2 - Is there a supplemental parts manual I should be referring to?

Thank you all in advance for your help!
