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AI, DG, Century IIB and Vacuum System Components

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Aug 8, 2019
Reaction score
All components removed as part of a panel upgrade including removal of the vacuum system from a PA28-181. Selling components and have all pieces except for the radio coupler which was already sold. Everything in good working condition at the time of removal. Items for sale on ebay, please feel free to PM with offers.

Will run this a little like a Dutch auction based on the eBay buy it now price...once the auction expires (will reduce timing down to a few days), will lower price incrementally. Listing current buy-it-now prices, starting bid prices on eBay obviously lower.

Available components:
Attitude Gyro - Mitchell / Edo-Aire 52D66 / 5000E-4 ($400 bid / $530 now)
Directional Gyro - Mitchell / Edo-Aire 52D54 / 4000C ($400 bid / $530 now)
Vacuum Regulating Valve - Parker Airborne 2H3-19 ($55 bid / $80 now)
Vacuum Sensor - Stewart-Warner F7-16-1 ($10 bid / $15 now)
Roll Signal Filter - Mitchell / Edo-Aire 1B440 ($32 bid / $45 now)
Vacuum Gauge - Airborne 1G10-1 ($18 bid / $28 now)
Roll Servo and Bracket - Mitchell / Edo-Aire 1C363-1-430R ($205 bid / $270 now)
Vacuum Filter Assembly - Airborne 1J7-1 ($22 bid / $30 now)
Century IIB Control Head and Faceplate w/connector (listed separately on ebay) ($150 bid / $220 now)
All individual connectors (not listed, will take offers if there is any value to these)


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