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Aerocruze 100

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Apr 27, 2021
Reaction score
I've read the threads and realize that the Aerocruze 100 autopilot has some limitations (no ILS, not legal for coupled approaches, not legal below 700 feet, no internal heading bug and must manually sync the altitude with altimeter occasionally) but it also has some great features that support about 90% of what I want from an autopilot in the Archer (Alt hold, Alt preselect, vertical speed, track mode (probably good enough for heading), GPSS, level button and envelope protection). I currently have a 1986 Piper Archer II which is in great shape with a GNS 650 but the KAP 100 autopilot is useless. The Aerocruze is about $8K installed which is less than a third of a GFC 500 autopilot with a pair of G5s installed (if I went this route I would do two G5s or two GI 275s).

I also have a Cirrus SR22 with a Perspective (G1000) and know how great that Garmin autopilot is. It just seems like overkill for the Archer II. Reducing the workload while cruising will be the main purpose of the Aerocruze 100 but I like the Level Button and envelope protection for my children who will be using the Archer. Right now they are VFR or student pilots but at least one will be working on their IFR soon (No, I am not adopting any new kids :)) .

I'd like to hear from those that have installed the Aerocruze 100 in regard to how it worked out for you. Happy, regrets, or just so so. Also, I have read on some other forums that Bendix/King is doing a poor job of shipping units and the correct parts. Any feedback on that would be appreciated.

Finally, if you used a shop in Florida, GA or Alabama for installation that was reasonable and competent, their name would be useful.



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