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ADS-B tracking and privacy

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Jan 7, 2018
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One of the issues that concerned me with the ADS-B mandate and installation is the privacy issue. The world can now track your aircraft wherever you go. Anybody can google your N number, enter it into FlightAware, and your trips are their for public viewing. I am a Basic subscriber to FlightAware. I do not see on their website that I can make my flight private and not be displayed. It doesn't appear to exist for premium viewers either. I know the NBAA fought to protect the privacy of several of their members, but do not recall the outcome. Recent news reports highlighted the issue with the tracking of college football recruiters, political campaign stops, corporate competition, and celebrity exposure. Is there a way to have Flightaware not display your flight? I can see it for commercial aircraft purposes and law enforcement (with a warrant), but where I go in my personal aircraft should not be visible to all. People complained about how the cell phone companies track and sell your personal location. Why no uproar in aviation? I waiting for the time when the transponders in current automobiles become accessible for all to all....it's just a matter of time. Then maybe there will be some changes? Are there any legal cases that have challenged the public display of tracking data?

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