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In my opinion a good part of the answer is contained in your question: Young Flight Instructor.  Being based at an airport with two active flight schools, I am continually amazed at the misplaced bravado displayed by the young CFI's.  George Bernard Shaw is credited with the saying: Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.  It's as if he was speaking directly to modern flight training. What to do when you don't have the experience to get hired flying the simplest single engine plane for hire?  Simple, teach the next generation to fly!!  What could possibly go wrong...

I'm so glad I was taught during a time when real professional pilots also did flight training. Real training; actual IMC, ICE, spin/upset recovery, real emergency training, and so on.  In other words, how to deal with situation when things go wrong; but more importantly, how to recognize  dangerous situations and to avoid them.  I credit some of those folks for why I have managed to stay off the evening news all these years!

