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747 in the pattern

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Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
A fly over at our local airport, at approach minimums! (Circa 1980)


Wardair was an upscale charter operation in Canada, known for its outstanding cabin service.

This flight was a training flight for a new hire, it was before sims were in general use. The Training Captain was a local, Capt. Frank Chowan, who initially trained at Brantford (CYFD) way back when.

He decided to bring the plane to CYFD to shoot the 05 NDB approach. Yes, those were "simpler times".

Runway at the time was only 4000ft, so no plans to land! He called Unicom and requested a camera be out front for the missed approach. His voice was instantly recognized, and a camera was ready. The rest is history.

* Orest

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