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7,000 ft. grass strip, Steaks and Lakes!

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Apr 22, 2013
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The 7th annual Triple Tree Fly-In is scheduled for Sept. 4-8. Triple Tree Aerodrome (SC00), located near Woodruff, SC, is a one-of-a-kind facility featuring a 7,000x400 ft super- smooth grass runway, virtually unlimited beautiful camping facilities, bathhouse facilities with private shower and dressing provisions and granite countertops, six miles of hiking trails, fishing lakes, event low cost fuel, restored WWII control tower and other beautiful facilities. This fly-in is different. Triple Tree is the home of Fun, Fellowship and Hospitality. This event, rather than centering on a particular product or air show, focuses on the people, planes and the PASSION for aviation. Please tell your friends and plan to join us! www.tripletreeaerodrome.com




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