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6-260 vs Archer cost of ownership

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Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
Kinda taking a page from Unipres' thread.

I will be buying my first plane later this year and have wondered just how much more a 6-260 would cost to own vs say an Archer or Warrrior II. The price of admission seems to be about the same for say a '66 260 and a Warrior II or Archer. I wouldn't want anything with more than a midtime engine. My mission doesn't require the extra load carrying ability most of the time but it sure would be nice. I also have always loved the Six but might not be able to justify the cost increase.

Fuel burn and engine aside, both are FG and assuming the Six had a fixed prop, what would be the difference besides the Six being longer and about 10 years older?

BTW, I will be buying this plane to get my private ticket in. No heavy IFR needed as this will just be a fun plane for me and my family.

Also, how far can a 260 be throttled back? Is 11-12 GPH possible? I won't be in any hurry to get anywhere and even on an occasional x country speed isn't an issue.

Insurance? Annual? Unknowns?


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