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For Sale 430W and GI-106 Pre-Sale

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Apr 8, 2014
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So, I ordered a replacement for my #2 Nav/ Com 430w and a GI-106. The upgrade was done in November of 2015 to WAAS and was completely refurbished. It was my primary until 2020 and still functions perfectly as new! Thing is, the replacement won’t be installed until February 2023, might be earlier if the shop can squeeze me in.

It will come with the tray and connectors, no GPS antenna, that will be on you.

These are still selling at a premium and I would be willing to accept a reasonable offer with a deposit to hold it for the interested party until it is removed. I will not discuss terms and money in this thread, but will as a conversation started here, then a personal phone call. It is for sale locally, so first come first sold.



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