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1973 Pa 28r -200 (Hartzell 3 Blade Prop) cruise settings

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Junior Member
Dec 7, 2016
Reaction score
Hello everyone, I have been flying a 200 with a newly installed 3 blade Hartzell.

My question is what do guys typically run their prop settings at for given altitudes.

Our airport elevation in Alberta is 4000 ft ASL and I typically cruise at 7-9000 ft. The other day we flew over the rocks to Vancouver at 13,500 for a fresh paint and interior. I think the airplane likes 2400 RPM but I am curious to hear what others have been cruising at for MP/RPM settings. Typically at my normal cruise altitudes I am getting 22-23MP/ 2400.

I would assume from what I have read that the dreaded "red" operating range has been eliminated by going to the 3 blade?

Any info or insight would be appreciated!

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